• Use these links to continue your research online:

    Tools and Weapons Information

    World Book Online

    Northeast Woodland Indians

    Lenape Fact Sheet 

    Lenape (Delaware Indians)

    Iroquois Facts

    Iroquois Facts For Kids

    Iroquois Tribe



    Eastern Woodland Indians Writing Project

    Directions: You will research and write an essay sharing information about an Eastern Woodland Indian tribe. After learning about the different tribes in social studies class that once inhabited our area, you will choose one to write about.


    • Read about your tribe.


    1. Choose a few topics you would like to write about. Topics may include food (hunting, gathering, farming, foraging, etc.), customs, clothing, housing, geography, daily life, family dynamics, language, entertainment, etc.
    2. BRAINSTORM: Record notes from your research on each topic. Use graphic organizer.
    3. DRAFT: Use yellow paper to draft your essay.
    4. EDIT / REVISE
    5. PUBLISH
    6. PRESENT


    Group Project: Build A Native American Village based in the Eastern Woodlands

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