• Dear W.W. Evans families,

    My name is Guy Moses, and I will be serving as your principal at W.W. Evans Elementary. I am very excited to be joining the Panther family and can’t wait to meet all of you and find out what your interests and strengths are! Just a little about me. This is my sixteenth year in education, with thirteen of them being a classroom teacher. I have lived in Bloomsburg for the past nine years with my wife, two dogs, and four-year-old twins. When I am not enjoying time with my family, I enjoy watching sports, riding motorcycles, and hunting. I am confident that our time together will be successful and if there is anything I can do for you, please feel free to contact me or stop in and visit!


  • Boost Bus Safety

    Get your child on board with school bus safety! To avoid dangerous situations and accidents, students must follow bus safety rules and procedures. First, review your school’s specific bus rules and procedures with your children. Then, make sure they understand these general bus safety principles.

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  • Effective Homework Help

    Students with parents who are involved in their education are more likely to earn higher grades, adapt well to school, and pass their classes.

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  • Eliminate Bullying

    The latest research shows that one in three children is directly involved in bullying as a perpetrator, victim, or both.  Many of those who are not directly involved witness others being bullied on a regular basis.  Parents, as well as schools, have the power to help reduce bullying. Here are some tips on how you can help. 

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  • Fight Flu and Germs

    You’ve probably already heard it: the telltale sniffles of flu season, which peaks in January and February. Navigate flu and germ season with these tactics for prevention and care.

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  • Encourage Your Child's Creativity to Flourish

    Creativity has been called a key 21st century skill. That means it—along with skills like communication and critical thinking—will help students navigate the increasingly collaborative and information-rich world that awaits them once they leave school. The arts have been shown to boost students’ academic performance, perseverance, self-confidence, and more. Here are strategies for supporting your child’s creativity.

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  • Make Every Day Count: Boost School Attendance

    To stay on track in school, students need to be present every day. Missing 18 or more days of school in a year puts a child’s high school graduation at risk, according to BoostUp.org, a national dropout prevention campaign. Being absent for just two days every month of the school year can put a child behind academically.

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  • Prep for Emergencies

    School safety has recently been at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Schools have emergency plans to keep students safe from threats of violence or natural disasters—and your family should, too. Preparation is key to ensure that you and your family members can react quickly and calmly if a serious threat arises. Take these steps to ensure your family is prepared for emergencies.

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  • Safeguarding Kids' Online Activities

    The Internet is an extraordinary resource for our children. It allows them to see what the Mars Rover is up to in real time or watch video footage of animals in the wild. However, it can be a frightening place for parents, which is why families need to be involved. Here’s how to start:

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  • Exercise Kids' Minds During the Summer

    If students laze away the days of summer without using their minds, they can lose up to a month of learning—especially in reading and math. Stem the summer slide and keep your child engaged with these fun, brain-friendly activities.

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